Saturday, 26 July 2014


Sophia Amoruso is amazing. Whilst on holiday I started her book, #GIRLBOSS. I havent finished it yet, but 161 pages in and I feel pretty enlightened. I'm sure you know, but Amoruso is founder and CEO of Nasty Gal; which is a favourite online store for me, that I've known about for only a year or so. 

Although I haven't finished it, I wanted to write about it. If you haven't read it, I really advise you to read it. It's that time of year for myself, and people my age, where we are really freaking out. Everyone's thinking, what if I didn't get the grades? What if I don't get into my choosen university? Why isn't it all just falling into place? I know that personally these are things my friends and I think about daily; but reading #GIRLBOSS has really lifted the weight of my shoulders, even if it is for just a temporary amount of time. Sophia's journey and advice has just opened my eyes to the fact that if I work hard and truly believe in myself I can get where I want to. If you, like me, just feel really lost at the moment, this book will help. It gives great advice, insight's into how successful people got their success, and isn't the usual cliche's of other motivational books. She speaks honestly about everything, and it all boils down to the simplicity of if you work hard you will be rewarded. 

I can't really explain well how this book has made me think a little differently, but it has. Im sure everyone will get a different perspective after reading this; and clearly people are loving this book because it has gotten so popular. 

Lots of love, Nikki. xxxxx

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